The Indian Mughal King Akbar

How was The Great Mughal Akbar No doubt Akbar(Indian Mughal King -1556) descendant of Mughals read more brought the whole geographical area of India into one centralize rule. Before then him it was only one Hindu king who became successful in achieving this target and Akbar followed his policies to achieve the target of creating united India. Akbar was an intelligent and a progressive ruler although he was illiterate because during childhood he was suffering from diseases dyslexic. But instead of following the orthodox and autocratic Muslim policies of his ancestors, he restored the Hindu science and administration. To run such a large nation he followed the secular policies of ancient Hindu Kings like The great Ashoka, Chandragupta II and Samudragupta. Akbar was unlike his fanatic Muslim ancestors. He denied accepting that only Islam knows the truth of God. Akbar repressed the powers of orthodox Mullahs, Maulawees ...