Shivling is not phallus symbol

Recently I met a gentlemen who also had a wrong thought that Shiv-ling is a phallus symbol. Shiv-ling - Symbol of Creation This is misconception. This wrong knowledge was propagated by English commanders to deteriorate the self respect of Hindus. So the task of converting Hindus into Christians would have become easier. The truth is, it is symbol of creation & Yoni is mother nature . Like a doctor's symbol is stethoscope. In Sanskrit language LING means symbol . But English commanders paid the Indologists like Maxmuller to write the distorted meanings of Hindu knowledge books so Hindu's would have started loosing faith in their traditions and practices. Scientific logic behind accepting Shiv-ling as a symbol of creation - Three thousand, four hundred and fifty six millions years before there was a controlled atomic explosion in the space. Out of which a light came out. To represent this...