Human bioelectricity

We must be aware of the paranormal bioelectricity working within us. If we are sincerely dedicated to whatever we desire to acquire or achieve in life, strive for it whole heartedly.  Then all our physical and mental activities will begin to conform to the objective. Through determination and focused approach, the channelized bio- energy  of our intellect will take care of the aberrations or lacuane in our attempts, ensuring success in the end.

We must learn to utilize the currents of bioelectricity working in our mind, body system.

In human body there is a network of circulatory and nervous systems interconnecting the brain to nerves, carrying messages to the brain from sense organs and, propagating brain's response to the corresponding functional's unit. The thicker arteries and veins of the circulatory system apparently are only the 'tubes' for blood flow. However these are also channels of transmission of bioelectricity.

In all living beings, soul is fountainhead of life energy(prana) responsible for the biological functions. Brain is only instrument of the soul.
Note - ( But modern science does not approve the concept of soul. All other parameter's are accepted by modern science today. )

Mind is a tool of Soul. One of the functions of mind is to create desires. The bioelectric current in the mind forcefully paves the way to success. A very small part of bioelectricity is used in biological functions of body. Heat (thermal energy) in an average human body itself is capable of melting 40 kg of ice.

What is the storehouse of this heat ?
Soul is a storehouse of tremendous energy.

Whatever the mind desires, is translated into conceptual blueprints. Commensurate with the intensity and persistence of desire, a bio electric field develops around the person. It gradually spreads all around creating a favorable ambiance for fulfillment of the objective. Any possibility of accomplishment  occurs due to strong will and support of mind.

The 'aura'(domain of bio-energy field ) can be felt around great men and women. The aura is the miracle of the radiance of inner will (Atma tej) and consequent current of bio energy. Each living being has its own specific bio-electric field (Aura) around the body. This aura has influence on the environment around the individual.  A man who has strong aura can influence a man with with weak aura(bio-electric field).

Conductor of Bio-electricity 

Gold and Silver are first choice of Indians from ancient time. Gold is so valuable because it intensely attracts subtle bio electric charges from space and hence remains shining even after used for long. 

Silver induce tranquility, steadiness and relaxation to mind. 

Carriers of bio electric charge   

Hand written letters 


Thoughts are electro-biomagnetic waves perpetually arising in the mind. These are produced by the bioelectricity generated in the powerhouse of inner self. In the event of death, on departure of soul, the individual ceases to think. 

The current of thought waves have wavelengths and frequencies. These thought wavelengths and frequencies remain in environment.  Our body dies but thought waves travel. 

When a mind accepts a thought as a certainty or unquestionable fact, it produces miraculous results. Faith is another name given to a staunch unquestioned belief. 

 Reference -

A book by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya 


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