Bharat in tenth century by Al Biruni

Al Biruni

Al Biruni was born in 973 AD, He was born in Uzbekistan. That time the King of Samani dynasty from Iran was ruling. He was Muslim of Iran origin.
Later he became a prisoner of Mahmood Gazani(1017 ad), But he got the respect because of his intelligence and allowed to read and write under strict boundation

He studied many religion and wrote commentaries on them. He wrote about the culture and traditions of Indian subcontinent which were practiced in 10th century.

How Hindus are different than Muslims -  

1 - Language 

Hindu's ancient language is Sanskrit and learning it is very difficult. This is the oldest language. Even general public does not speak this language. Only Brahmans speak it and study religious scriptures which are written in Sanskrit. Only Brahmans has the right of reading and teach the Vedas(Holy books of Hindus). Lower castes are not allowed to read the Vedas. Warrior caste can read it but can not teach it.

2- Religion

The religious traditions of Hindus are totally different than Muslims. Indian sages tried to explain the science of space and nature through religious stories. Educated Hindus understand this logic and follow them.
And uneducated Hindus also follow these traditions superstitiously without understanding logic behind those traditions.
Hindus do not want to convert anyone into Hindus because they think it is not needed at all because everyone will go back to same divine power(Ishwar). They have cast system and they do not want to allow anyone to join their cast. Brahmans are the major authority of Indian society.

I have not seen any fights between these casts on the question of religious theories. Their fight remain up to the words only. They do not fight with swords and kill each other on difference of religious theories.

They do not like foreigners. Brahmans do not want foreigners maintain any relation with foreigners.

3- Islamic Invasion

Indians started hating foreigners when Muslims started attacking on their land. Muhammad bin Qasim attacked and plundered everywhere in 711 AD. He looted the Indian cities and temples and his army raped many women. 
Moreover Muhammad Qasim asked Hindu people to convert into Islamic faith by showing them fear of death. Hindus who accepted Islam they were not killed. 
This practice of Muslim invaders also created a large gap between Hindus and Muslims. This is how Hindus started hating Muslims from Gazani. 

Mahmud made the Jihad his profession. To conquer the land of Hindus Mahmud started motivating his Muslim army on the name of Allah. 

What Hindus think about GOD - 

They call the supreme power Ishwar. Ishwar means self dependent. Hindus say that Ishwar has no form,no shape, That is an energy which maintains the balance in the world among nature, human being and animals.

General public also believe in deity worship. They say Ishwar takes incarnation on the earth to save the right practices in this world. Lord Ram, Lord Krishna are the incarnation of Ishwar. So they are also worshiped as GOD.

What general public think about religion that does not matter much.

Brahmans (priest) decides what is religion. They ensure the security of religion too.


All Hindus believe in rebirth. 

Nine rules of Hindu Religion - 

1- Do not murder anyone
2- Do not lie 
3- Do not steal
4- No prostitution
5- Do not deposit too much money
6- Bring purity of mind
7- Keep fast
8-Always remember Ishwar
9-Keep chanting mantra AUM

Class  system of Hindus 

4 classes of Hindus - 

Brahman (Priest)
Khatriya  (Warrior)
Vaisya     (Trader)
Shudra     (Service to other three classes)

These four classes have many caste. 

Deity worship 

How deity worship came into existence ? 
Hindu also believe in Ishwar who is formless. We Muslims call it Allah. 
Hindu sages were practicing Yoga and meditation to find the Ishwar.

But 10,000 ybp the concept of deity worship came into existence when general public could not concentrate on formless Ishwar. So to increase the concentration power the deity was used. 

The first deity was built by King Ambrish for Indra. 

Later Lord Ram established the cosmic pillar (Ling)

So deity worship was started by the sages of India to increase the concentration power of general public who were week and could not meditate on formless Ishwar. But deity worship was first stage of worship, once devotee is able to meditate then he need not to follow deity worship. 

Later Brahmans(priest) made it mandatory for everyone and this tradition converted into a bad tradition where a Brahman cheats general public on the name of Ishwar. 


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