Sanskrit and Software – How Sanskrit is creating Information technology

Sanskrit and Software – How Sanskrit is creating Information technology 40% of start ups in Information technology at Silicon Valley are started by Indians. Is it coincidence? It’s not like; others are not doing anything in software industry. But as we see the challenges in India because of population blast, growing poverty, corrupt beaurocracy, and Indian youth is struggling to find right platform. Their success makes them extraordinary because of the hurdles they have crossed. So who are these Indians who creating a HISTRORY in software industry. From which class of Indians they belong too? How come they were different? How did they find their place in America “the Land of Opportunities ”? Sheldon Pollock found it answer in Bangalore , India . He found that all the extraordinary software developers had one thing common in their ancestry, a great grand father who taught language Sanskrit. Yes, the connection between computer codes and grammar of San...