Sanskrit and Software – How Sanskrit is creating Information technology

Sanskrit and Software – How Sanskrit is creating Information technology

40% of start ups in Information technology at Silicon Valley are started by Indians.
Is it coincidence?

It’s not like; others are not doing anything in software industry. But as we see the challenges in India because of population blast, growing poverty, corrupt beaurocracy, and Indian youth is struggling to find right platform. Their success makes them extraordinary because of the hurdles they have crossed.

So who are these Indians who creating a HISTRORY in software industry. From which class of Indians they belong too? How come they were different? How did they find their place in America “the Land of Opportunities”?

Sheldon Pollock found it answer in Bangalore, India. He found that all the extraordinary software developers had one thing common in their ancestry, a great grand father who taught language Sanskrit.

Yes, the connection between computer codes and grammar of Sanskrit are fanciful. If you know the grammar of Sanskrit then you understand any computer program very easily.

Sanskrit is the oldest language of Indian subcontinent. Vedas the holy books of Hindus are written in Sanskrit language.
Upnishads – philosophical literature of Hindus are also written in Sanskrit.
Hindus chant specific Mantras every morning as a part of their daily worship.

This language was taught to student orally by a teacher. Later student will become teacher and he will teach this language to his student orally. This is 10,000 years old tradition in India.

Panini    the famous grammarian in 4rth Bce wrote grammar to learn language Sanskrit. He was a Hindu Brahmin. He created the most complete linguistic system in history. He compiled all this knowledge in forty pages. It is called Ashtadhyayi or Eight Chapters.

He was born in Peshawar which is now in Pakistan, earlier from Afghanistan to Java it was all Hindustan (India) ruled different Hindu Kings.

In modern linguistics, Panini’s system is what known as a ‘generative grammar’. In Sanskrit it is called Vyakaran.

This generative grammar (vyakaran) is taught to every Hindu child in the school and this teaching makes him knower of computer codes automatically. So he understands a computer program easily and faster. 

So long traditions of literacy, particularly in language Sanskrit, have produced the kind of brilliance that has allowed Hindus of India to emerge as one of the great IT capitals of the world.

It’s not accidental that India makes software and china makes hardware.

Now very few speak Sanskrit in India, the tradition of learning Sanskrit is lost in India because of Islamic invasion in early 13th century. The language Persian was imposed on northern India by Central Muslim Empires often by sword.

That is one of the reasons why still the IT hub is city Bangalore in South India not in any city of Northern India. Because Northern India was ruled by Muslim and English invaders for 800 years while south India remained untouched because of its long distance. Hindu traditions are still strong in South India comparatively to North India. South India has produced many famous Sanskrit scholars.

Now Sanskrit is building global world of Information technology.

So I see a need of opening Sanskrit schools once again if we want to create a workforce of extraordinary software developers in India.  Or every Indian school should give elementary knowledge of Sanskrit. Let the world see the expertise of India once again.

We want to rule the world not on the basis of sword but by knowledge. This is for what India was known to the world always before 12th century. 


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by Mr Sunil Khilnani 


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