Aradhana/social service

Aradhana/social service Upasana/worship is primary stage of Atamshodhan/selfresearch. Jeevansadhna/lifepractice is the secondary school. And Aradhna/social service is the graduation. Upasana gives an individual, internal energy to develope vision, concentration and willpower. By using this internal force the person purifies it's quality, nature and action. Now after these two steps of Atamshodhan an individual develope wisdom and compassion for all living beings and become harmless to anyone and starts service to the society with out any desire of respect & money. After this stage, an individual attains self peace/Atamshanti and Sukh/Pleasure. we explore such actions on my yogameditationtours india yoga tour. #wellnessandyogatours #yogatours #meditationretreat #yogaretreatinin...