
The Buddha(the "Awakened One") was born as Siddhartha Gautama in c.563BC. He was an actual historical figure, a prince of the shakyas, the people of a small state bordering modern India and Nepal.
He lived in the time of prosperity and social upheavel. A road stretched from northern India to Greece, allowing ideas to be exchanged freely.
The Buddha was roughly contemporary with the Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Heraclitus, and with Mahavira, the last of the Jain Tirthankaras.

 What is known of Gautama's life until he reached the age of twenty nine, is largely mythological. Later Mahayana texts tells about Siddhartha Gautama, heading towards creating the path of Buddhism. The King, his father was foretold by a yogi (Hindu sage) that "your son will become renowned sage ". So King provided every luxury to Siddhartha and asked him to not to leave palace boundary. Siddhartha married  a beautiful woman and they had a son, which fulfilled the basic duties of his role as the head of a traditional Indian household. The turning point came when Siddhartha was twenty nine and he ventured outside the palace grounds.

When moved out on chariot he saw "four signs" on the way  which awaken the future Buddha to his path.
The first "sign" he saw was an old man, decrepit and leaning on a stick. The future Buddha, until now protected from the reality of suffering in the outside world, asked his charioteer why the man was so week. The charioteer answered that the man was old, and the old age afflicts all men.

The future Buddha was greatly disturbed by this experience. When he went out the next day he was shocked by the sight of a man riddled with disease. He enquired as to the cause, and was told that every one suffers in the grasp of illness.
On a third occasion, he saw corpse being carried to cremation, and so discovered that death was in the world.
Old  age, sickness and death became known as the "three marks of impermanence". They revealed that due to its absolute transience, life is indivisible from suffering (dukkha). Racked with doubt, the future Buddha once more went forth from the palace. One of the gods appeared before him as a wandering holy man, whose tranquility persuaded the prince that contemplation offered the possibility of release from the suffering that he saw at heart of existence. Soon after, Siddhartha left his wife and child and set out dressed as a wandering ascetic.

Beginning his search for enlightenment, the future Buddha went south, in direction of the central areas of spiritual learning. After instruction from the most distinguished gurus (Hindu master & yogis, sages), he arrived at a forest hermitage. The naked monks, who practised severe austerities taught that pain and denial were the source of release.

The fasting Buddha
Siddhartha denied this, arguing that since it is through the mind, not the body, that should be under control. He therefore rejected the path of asceticism and continued his search for enlightenment.

The Tree of Life
At the age  of 35, Gautama finally arrived Bodh Gaya, where he sat beneath a tree that has subsequently been interpreted as the Tree of Life. He swore that he would not rise until he had found enlightenment.After the 49 days of solitary meditation he attained nirvana, the state of permanence that lies within the flux of daily life. He thus became the Buddha. :"One Who is Fully Awake".

My Diary - 

A lots of books & articles have been written on Lord Buddha and his teachings but have we really learnt something out of his teachings. I think "no", He said maintain a balance in between luxury and austerity.
But today we have completely forgotten his teachings. Everyone is running in race of achieving material assets, just to show others that he is successful. Luxury cars, luxury living, these are the ultimate aim of today's people. THIS RAISES FRUSTRATION AMONG US.

An Alto serves the same purpose which a BMW, but people want to show others that they are richer. Both cars save us from rain, cold, summer and carry four people from one place to other.
A car is necessary if you are travelling with other three person or with family but in traffic most of the car are empty and only one person is using it so he can show others that he comes to office by car and he is successful. Is this the parameter of success in today's society.
 And this increases uncontrollable traffic on roads. He is maintaining car for luxury not for necessity, necessity can be fulfilled by using the motorcycle also. The Lord Buddha denies this. He said use limited resources to make your life easy and simple not to make it luxurious.

Don't wear expensive brands to show people that your are rich. A neat and clean pair clothes is sufficient to gain  respect among your friends.

Instead of going for pubs, discos, try to gather your friends at one place and enjoy  together.

Feel satisfied about your situation, respect your relations, care about it, a wandering mind is cause of unhappiness.

Do not run behind success, develop excellence in yourself and let the success come towards you.

Practice meditation for 15 minutes before starting your day instead of watching TV early morning.


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