Himachal Hues

Sandeep Kumar - Tour Leader/tour escort

Now  a days I am traveling as tourr escort with group of 48 Indians who are from different part of country like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Karnataka, Pune and Bangalore. All are young couples on their first and second honeymoon. Mostly couples are working for corporate. This package includes 7 nights and 8 days at Delhi, Shimla, Manali and Chandigarh.
Himachal tour escort
I am having lots of fun with this group if you will go through the whole article then you will also enjoy. Lets start the story of my group from day first 20th April 2013.

The first flight was at 7:55 am and the last was at 12:55 noon. Now arrivals are very crucial part of group movement. Here you do the first interaction with group and most of people make their perception in their first meeting about you. If you are able to impress group here then half battle is won. 
But it is not easy to maintain a smile for continuous 6 hours at Airport. Your body will say to you why are you doing such a tiring work but your mind will keep you straight and smiling because first impression is last impression most of the times. 

Now the first flight came and suddenly I got a call where a  lady in fluent English was asking me ''we have booked the package with Make My trip who has come to pick us, I can not see anyone". 
I asked politely Madam where are you right now. She answered politely we have just get down from the flight SG-851.  Ha HA H aaaa I wanted to laugh first but I hold it and answered that Madam I am standing at Terminal 1D only for you and for your family so please come out first with your luggage. 
When they came out I was ready for my first guest, my driver had the pluck card of Make My Trip in his hand so Guests identified us from distance  and children started cheering Make My trip, Make My Trip and I met them with full enthusiasm, I greeted every individual and specially children. Now children are very important part of group. Indian parents do everything for them. If they are not happy then even if you provide them five star hotel your services are waste. So I did friendship with them. I introduced myself separately to them and asked their name.  So I and children maintained a relationship in first meeting. 
Now after my first arrival, second call came here, a man in Hindi asked me, Sir help me this security man is not allowing me to enter at airport because I am late. I was surprised from where he was calling. I asked him the details and asked him to hand over the phone to security. I ask the security man to take my guest to the flight counter immediately. I convinced security man to allow them to the counter because it his right to know exactly what went wrong. Some how I was successful  after 10 minutes discussion with security. But no use because my guest reached just 20 minutes before the flight timing and boarding time was passed. So now he had to book another ticket. But this guest was concerned to see India Gate. He said to me sir I will book another ticket but will you show me India gate ?  
I said yes if you will make it before 3 pm then I will definitely take you on half day sightseeing of Delhi. 

So after these two arrivals, other went very smooth and I was able to receive every guest with same energy and smile with which I started the day. 

I had already informed everyone during the pick up that we will start our sightseeing for Delhi at 3 pm after their lunch. So everybody came down at reception before 3:00 pm. Then I did the counting and ensured nobody is left at hotel and then we moved to our buses.  We had two buses. So in one bus I asked Honeymooners to settle down and in one families.
India tour escort

Half Day Delhi Sightseeing of Delhi

Now from here my favorite role starts briefing about Delhi establishment, history , Kings and many more facts which they do not know. Here I ask questions  to guests also that how much do they know about Delhi or other monuments / I try to open them up. My group was listening me carefully and when 30 minutes went off and we reached at Qutub Minar.
Delhi tour escort

India tour escort

Then in the bus, I informed that we have one hour to see the monument. I asked them to follow me. Then I purchased tickets for them from ticket window which is situated just in right side of bus parking. Then we crossed the road and moved to the main monument. I asked everyone to be in line and I distributed them their tickets individually. 

Qutub is an impressive monument started by Qutb din Aibak in the end of 12th century and completed by his descendant Iltutmish . It is 5 meter shorter than Tajmahal. I could not believe it. But i had too.

Every one came back in time and we moved towards Lotus temple. But here I found an interesting fact that people from Mumbai they were more excited to see the metro than monuments. Finally after 30 minutes we reached at Lotus temple here we saw the long line so again I had to lead them. So I took them straight in the beginning and after requesting to policeman arranged a second line for my guests. My guests were happy and I was feeling proud on my people handling skills.(Just joking )
Delhi tour escort
Lotus Temple, Delhi

After Lotus temple we went to India gate which was closed we were not allowed to stop the bus because few social societies were protesting their in the favor of a child rape case in Delhi. So we moved on I shared the reason of India gate construction and who built it. Then I showed them Us embassy and politician's houses on Shanti Path. We also saw the house of Indian PM. Everyone was happy and asking me questions.

21st April

Today we are heading towards Shimla after spending one night at Hotel Saptgiri, Mahipalpur. Now the real role of Tour leader comes. The journey is long and people are not open to each other. How will we pass the time. So I came up with few games like "Charlie says", "Dumb Shiraz" and all time favorite of all Antakshari(singing songs).
Himachal tour escort
First I braked the ice  by cracking few jokes. One of them was " Once there was a competition in between different countries police that who is more quick. So to decide and check the speed of police. A lion was left in the jungle. First USA police went in and caught the Lion in one day. Then French police went in caught lion in 18 hours only. Then Indian police went in and did not come out for two days. Then judges decided to go in the forest to check status. What they found that a beer was hanged on a tree and Indian policeman was beating them and asking him " accept you are a lion"-2. H ha ahhahaa  this is the style of Indian police.
Every body busted out with laugh.

Then I started the game Charlie says. Everyone was involved and participating in game. When we were playing game and everyone was opening up. Then we reached at Haryana border. Then I told my guest that in ancient time the epic Mahabharat was fought over here at city Kurushetra. And when Panadavs asked for their right from their cousin Duryodhan then Five villages were given to Pandavas those villages were Sonipat, Panipat and three more in Haryana state only.

I told them about Panipat Battle in between Moghul and Ibrahim Lodhi. In 1526, the Mughal forces of Babur, the Timurid ruler of Kabulistan, defeated the much larger ruling army of Ibrahim Lodi, Sultan of Delhi.
The battle was fought on 21 April near the small village of Panipat, in the present day Indian state of Haryana, an area that has been the site of a number of decisive battles for the control of Northern India since the twelfth century.After this short history lesson then it was time to make everyone active in the group. So I started Dumb shiraz game divided the group in two teams A and B.
Now Team A suggested the name of an Hindi movie and I chose one from Team B to act. And this game went on successfully. Few were really bad actors but my purpose was solved now my group was interacting with each other and they were enjoying together. Then we had to stop for lunch, although my plan was to stop at Pinjore garden restaurant for lunch. But that was still one and half hours long and my guest were hungry. So we stopped at Mirchi restaurant . This restaurant was nice.

Pinjore Garden
At 4 :00 pm we reached at Pinjore garden. It was created by Patiyala king in British pattern of gardening. Its a well organized garden with Jal mahal in the center. And sprinkles over here are very good. All people were delighted after seeing. And couples did not want to come back from there. After Pinjore garden we reached to Shimla and Checked in our Hotel Quality Inn.
India tour escort
At 12 am I got a call "sir, I need water to drink. It was Mr Lokhande who missed the flight on his first day. I politely asked him sir why don't you call at reception. He replied sir I thought  you might take care of my all needs. I laughed on his innocent answer and said definitely sir.

22nd April 

Next day in morning we went for Kufri sight seeing. What a view from here. I personally feel that Shimla has become conjusted now. Lots of homes and traffic issues. But areas near by Shimla are very beautiful. Most of the guests hired Horses although I suggested them to walk. But they went on Horse and One guest came with all the mud on his clothes because he felled down from horse. Although he was not hurt but his looks were funny.

Then we moved to Shimla mall road. Over here we played a game. I kept this game's name "Finding Nemo".  I asked them to find Balji's restaurant at mall road. And anyone who will reach first he will get a prize from my side. Everyone was excited to reach there. And finally one couple was first. Over here I offered  them sweet rasgullas of this restaurant. And the couple who came first he got two plates of rasgullas. H ha ha ha and you must see their faces. That was funny. But it was a nice activity. It was looking like a TV show where every one was searching for gold at mall road. Actually it is an initiative of Make My Trip that Tour manager will offer rasgullas to guest. I made it an activity to make more enjoyable for my guests.

23rd April

Next day morning we left for Manali onroute we saw the Satluj link project, Pando dam and Kullu valley. At Manali we checked in at Hotel Sterling for overnight stay. Very good hotel with very professional staff.

24rth April

Next day the morning was free for leisure and few of my guests made plan of river rafting. And they also asked me to go with them. It was also a new experience for me. So I moved with them and again we rocked over here. Facing the waves and going up and down in the Beas river made it a life time moment to remember it. We did river rafting of 15 kms at Raysen, Kullu. When you do it just hold the rope tightly. Just remember this rule.

India tour escort
Here is the video link - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=485372224864183
In this video everyone is cheering the name of Make My trip. I am also proud to be the part of Make My Trip which creates such a good packages for people.

Now a days I get up at 6:00 am and goes to bed after 10:00 pm. It looks like a tiring day from other's point of view. But let me share truth with you that these days are best days of my life.

Roaming at beautiful places, documenting stories and catching beautiful pics and most important sharing it all with a bunch of beautiful people. Its like college days where you have friends to share your emotions. In my job I never feel bored, there is no scope of boredom. You are center of attraction everyone wants to closer to you. they want to know about you. They share their life stories and you share yours. Every morning you have something exciting to do. You never feel that this day is same like previous one. And it happens because of people with whom you are travelling. They are always different. Destinations do not make my work exciting, its people who are always different. And comes up with always new attitude. Observing them and feeling changes in them everyday keeps me alive always.
(Tour leader)

25th April

Next day we went to see snow point towards Rohtang pass and Rohtang pass is not open yet. On the way we took snow suites on rent. The rates of snow suites starts from Rs 50 to Rs 250. But in Rs 100 you can get a nice suite. After two hours journey in Tata sumos we reached at Marhi(snow point). Beautiful place with snow everywhere. It is just 20 kms early then Rohtang pass.

Marhi at Manali

Marhi is a "shanty town of roadside restaurants" in Himachal Pradesh, India, located midway between Manali and Rohtang La on the Manali-Leh Highway. And my guests went on crazy by seeing it. Somebody started running towards top and few started throwing snow. I did not give any specific time to come back. They were back after 3 hours automatically when they were tired playing with snow. ha ha ahah
Mountain bike ride
Here you can ride mountain bike and  snow scooter. You can also do skiing over here. 

Then we went to Solang velley. Which is again a one hour drive. Here few wanted to do Para gliding. But only two dared to do it. I was also one of them. It was high fly. I paid Rs 2,500 for high fly. For high fly you go to 2000 feet high by rope way. They charge rs 500 for it. My piolet Goni, tied me with parachute and asked me run fast towards the end of valley. You wont believe I was feeling today I am gone. When I started running I wanted to quite but then I thought lets do it "darr ke aage jeet he ".  (Tour escort)

And with in few seconds I was in air. Really I wanted to quite it. And in first time I could not enjoy it because of my fear. But when I spent 3 to 4 minute in air then I realized feeling of life is amazing. My mind was away from my day to activities and I was in trans. When i landed my whole mind was blank. I could not think anything except the experience of flying.

26th April 

Today morning we headed towards Chandigarh. We left hotel at 8:00 am. Again the round of jokes and songs started. And finally we reached at Lemon Tree at 7:00 pm. It is a nice hotel and service is very fast. 

27th April

Next day morning we left for Delhi at 8:00 Am. We reached delhi at 2:00 pm. Then it was time to say good bye to all of my guests. Together we sang a song "kabhi alvida na kahna". 

Finally tour ended with Happy memories !

(tour leader)



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