The Mughals

For two hundred years a single family and his descendants dominated India and astonished the world. This was the Turk Mongolian family from Central Asia. (1526 to 1707 AD) During this time the Delhi(now capital of India) and few part of north India was ruled by Muslim invaders for 300 years. Which was the dark period for India. These 300 years kept India in dark, all Muslim invaders tried to convert India into Islamic military state. Babur (First Mughal Emperor) Babur He was born on st. valentine's day 14 feb, 1483 AD. He had good looks, he was a painter, poet, author. 1494 AD, in his 12th year of his age, he became the emperor of Ferghana valley(now Uzbekistan). From father side he was the descendant of Timur(Tamerlane) and from mother side he was descendant of Mongol king Ghengiz Kan (Gangeez kan). Babur never called himself Mongol, he always called himself persian turk. But in Persian language the corrupted versian of Mongol is Mughal. So history remember...