The Mughals

For two hundred years a single family and his descendants dominated India and astonished the world. This was the Turk Mongolian family from Central Asia. (1526 to 1707 AD)
During this time the Delhi(now capital of India) and few part of north India was ruled by Muslim invaders for 300 years. Which was the dark period for India. These 300 years kept India in dark, all Muslim invaders tried to convert India into Islamic military state. 

Babur (First Mughal Emperor)


He was born on st. valentine's day 14 feb, 1483 AD. He had good looks, he was a painter, poet, author.
1494 AD, in his 12th year of his age, he became the emperor of Ferghana valley(now Uzbekistan). From father side he was the descendant of Timur(Tamerlane) and from mother side he was descendant of Mongol king Ghengiz Kan (Gangeez kan). Babur never called himself Mongol, he always called himself persian turk. But in Persian language the corrupted  versian of Mongol is Mughal. So history remembers him as a mughal only. English used to call them Moghuls.

At the age of 21 he won a small city which is called Kabul. He established his Kingdom at Kabul first. His son Humayun was born in Kabul.

In 1519 He raided Punjab (India), looted the people and moved back. Then in 1526 he had battle with his nephew Ibrahim Lodhi who was the King of North India. After this winning battle Babur never moved back and announced himself King of North India up to Kabul.

At the age of 49 he passed away in 1530 and left the Kingdom for his son Humayun. His tomb is in Kabul.

Note - This tomb was visited by the late Indira Gandhi, former prime-minister of India.

In 1507, before Babur, the King John of Portugal, sent twenty two ships, out of twenty two, 9 ships were carrying one thousand and five hundred fighting men, and Don Francesco Almeda, the very first Viceroy of India to Goa (India).

In 1510, Goa was taken and made the seat of Government.

In 1542 st. Francis Xavier reached here and started converting Hindus into Roman catholic at south-west coast.

In 1498, Vasco de Gama reached India with the help of an Indian Gujarati trader whose name was Kanha. On the info of Vasco Portugal King sent his army to Goa in 1507 AD.

Babur came to India by land route with an army of twelve thousand soldiers and 800 canons. He took Khyber pass of Afghanistan to enter in India. Alexender also took the same path and now days terrorists also take the same path to enter in India.

Humayun  (1530 TO 1542 AD)


Humayun had three step brothers, Kamran, Hindal and Askari. After Babur, Kamran claimed on Punjab(India). Humayun was 32 years old that time. He married a sixteen year old girl, name Hamida Begum. At the age of 38, he became the father of a son whose name was kept Akbar. Humayun was a good poet but not a great fighter like his father Babur. He was believer of astrology. 
He ruled for twelve years with difficulty and lost the Kingdom to Sher shah soori (1542 to 1554 AD) who was a soldier in the army of Babur. 

Akbar (1556 to 1605 AD)

He became king at the age of thirteen when his father Humayun passed away. He was suffering from disease dyslexia so he did not get any formal education. He was a polygamist.  He had the largest harem(ladies quarters) in Mughal history. At later age he appointed nine ministers at his court for administration of kingdom. These nine ministers were expert of their fields. Akbar adopted the hindu style of government. He developed statecraft on the basis of Arthashastra wrote by Hindu teacher Chankya in 300 BCE. 

Akbar knew such large country can not be converted into Islam in one day. Although his Grandfather Babur started the concept of Zihad (Holy war) to conquer the battle against Rana Sanga of Mewar(Rajasthan). But Akbar was clever and to win  the honesty and support of Hindu kings he developed matrimonial relationship with Rajput hindu princess. 

Hindu rulers who were fighting against cruel and unethical Muslim invaders for 300 years took it as an opportunity. They were also tired of  fighting battles against Holy war(Zihad) of Islam. Till the time of Akbar, Rajputs had continuous wars with Muslim invaders and they became fad up of everyday's war. Muslim invaders only aim was to establish Islamic rule everywhere on the basis of sword. Muslim invaders established Islam in north India by conquests. 

So Rajputs also wanted peace and prosperity for their kingdom. Finally they accepted the proposal of Akbar for the shake of peace. So they accepted the offer of Akbar which proved to be very fruitful for both parties, Mughals and Hindu rulers of India. 

After this deal, Akbar was accepted as Supreme king of north west India and Rajputs became military commanders of Mughal army and fought large number of battles for Akbar . Akbar finished the role of Muslim Ulemas and Quazi in the statecraft, So Akbar's kingdom reached to its zenith. 

Akbar's height was short and his shoulders were broad and arms were strong. He was not good looking at all. He had large number of women in his Harem for his pleasure. He used to think that he is prophet,he is link between God and general public. 

He started a new religion, Din e Eliahi. He portrayed himself as God in that religion. Only his close ministers accepted that religion. That was a failure in India. 

Refernces -

Video by Gamber Gascoine
Internet resources
NCRT books 


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