Are you veg or non veg ?

The way whole world is divided in two parts, nature and human being. The same way Indian society is also divided in vegetarian and non vegetarian.

Vegetarian or non vegetarian

In India vegetarians believe that they are more pious than non vegetarian and Non vegetarian believe that they are much stronger and brave than vegetarians. In this misunderstanding both fight with each other.
Fights between vegetarian and non vegetarian

In those fights vegetarian have proved that they can be much cruel than non vegetarians and Non vegetarians have proved that they can also be coward at same rate.

 Vegetarian and non vegetarian can behave in any mood. So many edible products company claims that if children will drink/eat their company’s products then they will become intelligent. The increasing profit of these companies shows that company assumes their consumers fool and consumers are proving them right.

Problem comes ahead when people make an ideology of religion on the basis of food and tries to change the religion of others. An effort of making other like us is the problem.

Let the potato be potato and chicken be chicken. Whatever you want to eat you must eat by following the guidelines of the medical science not by religious books. The purpose of the religious book is to make you better human being not to tell you what to eat or not. This is the job of a dietitian not a religious leader.

In India we need to understand the role of modern science and religion.

The movement of vegetarian is getting speed in the world because of few health benefits and due to compassion to animals. It is also beneficial to save nature.

1st Oct is celebrated as Vegetarian day. So the month of vegetarian has started. This will end on 1st of Nov. In year 1977, North American Vegetarian society started this Vegetarian month.

After this start every year this October month brings the benefits of vegetarian lifestyle in front of people.


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