Inner vision is the prevention from destruction

Inner vision is the prevention from destruction

Kriya means Karma(action) and Yog means Unification. It forces on unification of awareness. Hatha yog, raj yog, laiy yog, all are unified into Kriya yog.

Fear is the illusion of human mind. You can defeat that fear by fighting with it only. There is no other way to remove the fear. If you decide to keep yourself away from fear or not to face it then you will not get freedom from fear.

Once it was asked to an intelligent man
, “who is your master”. He answered a dog.  Later he elaborated his answer, “one day I was sitting near b y a river. That time I saw a dog came to drink water on the bank of river. He saw his reflection in the water.  He barked, so his reflection also barked. The frightened dog ran away. 

Because dog was thirsty so he came back but repeated the same incidence. Third time when dog came he jumped into the water to fight with his reflection. The moment he jumped into the water his reflection disappeared. 

This story gives us message that an animal can also play a role of a master, if he is in a role to teach human being a lesson.

Proud and self satisfaction is  self declaration. I you have too much proud on you then proud will swallow you.

Inner vision is a process a process of saving yourself from ego & proud. This is a process of analyzing a human being silently. This analysis helps you to grow without being partial to anyone.

Referencee - 

Column – Astha- anastha


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