Inside the Loneliness
Inside the Loneliness
What is loneliness?
We must learn how to live alone for certain period. We must sink into
it. Loneliness works as an antibiotic. If certain time it is practiced then it
can make you owner of impressive personality and if practiced over limit then
certain loss occurs.
In loneliness the subconscious mind is much active. This
active can be positive and negative. For example Hitler and Gandhi both was
loneliness lover, Picasso and Einstein too.
It is up to you that you love loneliness or not, but always
remember in these moments some basic and creative produces in our mind like a
beautiful unknown unheard poem.
Loneliness should be loved. It is not about getting away
from society, friends and relatives. But learn how to give certain time to
yourself continuously. Without his you
can not become creative.
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