Lord Krishna


5000 years before present there was a charismatic personality in India who ruled the region called Dwarka, (Gujarat, India). He was the King of Yadu dynasty. He passed away at the age 126 years on Feb 17, 3102 bce. He was accepted as God (Incarnation/Avatar) among general public. This kingdom was sunken under the sea at 3066 bce. After this Indus valley civilization started which was contemporary to Sumerian and Mesopotamia civilization.

German philosophers propagated history of Krishna as mythology on the instructions of English commanders to destroy the self respect of Indians. And the history of India was explained to the world and the Indians too as myth. But now with archaeological evidences, inscriptions, manuscripts and astronomical studies it has been proved that Krishna existed in India.  (Birth proof of Krishna)
This lost kingdom has been found under the sea by the archaeologists.

The archaeological evidences have been found which proves the kingdom of Krishna existed.

1- A stealite (soapstone) tablet has been found from Mohan jodaro, larkhana district, Sindh. This soapstone depicts a young boy uprooting two trees from which emerging two human figures.

This soapstone proves that Indus valley people also knew about Krishna.

2 - Cave paintings in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh (north India) also show pictures of Krishna raiding horses and charioteers.

3- Images of Krishna and Balram are found on coins

4- Greek king Helidoras also gave respect to Krishna

Different Images of Lord Krishna 

Lord Krishna's Life 

Krishna was born in Mathura (North India) on 18 July, 3228 BCE. He had one elder brother and a very much young sister. He spent his childhood days in a small village known as Vrindavan (Mathura) as a cowherd. From the childhood he performed charismatic events and killed so many demons who were killing public for their sense gratification and food. India saw his bravery and wisdom. At this early age he was accepted by the society as a great thinker who had potential to lead the society towards the right behavior.

These demons were not killed even by the large army.  Not only Krishna gave these super human performances and also spread the message of love among society. At an early age as of eight years he became very famous in the north

That time general public was worshiping demigods like Indra(Vedic God).  So he gave the message that stop worshiping demigods for your desires and for need of rain.
Indra will have to perform his duties without ritual worship. Air, water, sun and other elements will work even without worshiping. If you want to get ample of natural elements then preserve the nature instead of worshiping demigod. And if you want to worship than worship the supreme personality of Godhead not the demigod Indra.

Note - This incidence of Krishna’s life tells us that Vedic gods were famous even 5000 years before too. These Vedas originated long before Vedic period (1700 bce to 800 bce). First Veda was only written on palm leaves in 1700 bce. Long before  vedic time Vedas were taught by teacher to the student in ashram (residential school). and its origin is 10,000 years before present.  So it proves Aryans did not create Vedas, they accepted the theory of Vedas. Aryan theory is a fake theory. 

Krishna started a movement against the worship of Vedic Gods 5000 ybp which proves vedas existed before the time of krishna. 

Krishna was sent for education at ashram (residential school) of saint (rishi) Sandipani in Ujjain

He practiced yoga too and became a super human with maximum sixteen charismatic powers which is impossible to acquire for any general person.

When he grew up he constructed a new kingdom for his rule at the coastal area of Gujarat, called Dwarka.  22nd Jain religious teacher Neminaath was his cousin. Prince of Kuru dynasty like Pandavas and Kauravs became his friends.  

Krishna had eight wives. His eldest son was Pridayuman from the first wife Rukmani.

In 3,137 BCE Krishna also participated in the first world war of the world (Mahabharata) which was fought between two cousin princes Pandavas and Kauravs of Kuru dynasty who were ruling the area of river Ganges.  

During this time spiritual people had accepted him as incarnation (Avatar)/GOD.

But demons and evil people neglected him so when he gave the option of choosing himself alone or his large army, the Kaurav prince choose his army instead of him.

Krishna participated in the battle and choose to become driver of chariot of Arjun (Pandav prince) and took vow  not to use his powers in the battle on the request of other kings because he had the power to finish the battle alone. He decided to guide the Arjuna by his wisdom. The age of Krishna was 90 years that time but he was too young and much stronger than the prince. He never grew old. He was a Yogi who stopped his aging.

This battle was fought in Kurukshetra, Haryana.

On the first day of battle Arjun became emotionally weak by seeing his relatives as his opponents and gave up the idea of killing and decided to become beggar for living. 

Krishna went into meditative stage and gave him the teaching of BHAGVAD GEETA (song of lord) to Arjuna. Arjuna became motivated to fight against wrong behavior of his cousins to establish  the kingdom of justice.

Pandavas won the war.

Krishna passed away after 35 years of this battle in Feb 17, 3102 bce. 
He was 126 years old that time. One day he was resting in a forest of Bhalka near Somnath temple. One hunter mistakenly shot his foot by his iron arrow.

More  literary proofs of Krishna’s existence - 

1 – Rig-Veda 1.22.164 sukta 31 mentions a herds man “who never stumbles”. 
2 – Chandogya Upnishad explains about Krishna.
3 – Panini, an ancient grammarian and author of Asthadhyayi (5th  century BCE)
4 – Megasthnese (350- 290 BCE) a greek ethnographer and an ambassador of Selecus I to the court of Chandragupta Maurya made reference to Herakles (Hari krishna) in his famous work Indica.

The earliest evidence of worship of Krishna

The earliest evidence of worship is found in 4rth century bce and tradition of his worship started. It is mentioned by one of the greek writer from Alexander that during the war of Alexandar and Porus, the few people in the army of Porus had the large images of Krishna.

Around 150 BCE, Saint Patanjali in his Mahabhasya explains Krishna.

Buddhist texts also explain the Krishna as Kanha.

Bhakti Tradition

6th 7th AD  -  In south India Twelve Alwar saints and poets including one female saint wrote the poems for Krishna.

The Krishna devotion movement originated in South India during the seventh – century, spreading northwards from Tamilnadu through Karnatka and Maharashtra by the fifteenth century, it was established in Bengal and north India.

In the Deccan, particularly in Maharashtra, saint poets of the Varkari sect such as Namdev, Janabai, Eknath an Tukaram . 

In the West -  

In 1965 – The International Krishna conscious society (ISKON) started Krishna devotion in USA. 

Notes & Reference - 


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