How to become simple and beautiful

You like beauty, but there is a problem in your instrument of measuring beauty. You have mixed the show off with beauty. You have started preferring unnatural resources so you are getting away from beauty now.

Wrong instruments of beauty

You have forgotten that a new born child is beautiful by birth, but slowly and gradually he grows and gets way from nature.  His simplicity is lost and then ugliness covers his body. Later on to hide to hide this ugliness he becomes more ugly. To save yourself from this ugliness you must remain simple.

A great poet Walt Whitman wrote a poem after seeing the animals in the forest. He writes, I am feeling jealous after seeing the simplicity of these animals. They are simple, equal and full of music. No excessive.   Actually animals and birds are natural and simple. They do not have any feeling of beauty. They are beautiful.

Just opposite of birds and animals, you are unnatural and uncomfortable. The race of comparison from others has been made us mental. The few who are saved from this race of comparison, they remain beautiful.

The writer Abri Menon wrote in his book - The new mystics that I have seen the prince and kings of middle east from very close. But they were not as beautiful as I found the saint Rajneesh. The picture of Lord Buddha in simple clothes has much more beauty than Alexander's photo which has  diamonds and rich cloths in the picture. 


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