Religion verses Nobility

In today's era we all are fighting on the name of best religion. Mine is best and yours is doomed. This is cause of violence today. This is what Islamic state(ISIS) is trying to prove to the world.
I did some research about sacred scriptures of  Hinduism. And I found that even sacred scriptures talk about learning nobility. And reaching to Ishvara will happen automatically. These books have emphasized on following nobility not religion or any specific God.
Hindu sacred text says by Nobility an individual can find Ishwar.
What is Nobility ?
Nobility in Hindi language means Maryada. Other synonyms of Nobility are dignity, Code of Conduct, Decorum.

In this life to find Ishvara an human being must follow the path of truth and this can be done only when  he lives a noble life. If he is not a noble man then he can not attain peace with supreme power. It is not religion which takes you closer to Ishvara. Religion only shows the path.  How perfectly notabilities have been practiced that brings enlightenment. So do not try to convert anyone into specific religion. It is not needed at all. Being in a particular religion does not ensure the enlightenment. For enlightenment you will have to practice notabilities.

Maryada (Nobility)according to Hindu sacred scriptures "Veda" are seven -
1 - Ahinsa (Non violence)
2- Satya     (Truth)
3- Astay (Non stealing)
4- Brahcharya (Celibecy)
5- Shauch/Pavitrata (Cleanliness)
6- Swadhyay (Self study of sacred scriptures)

7- Ishwarpranidhan (every human being is God's particle)


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