Views of Francois Bernier about Mughal

Francois Bernier

Bernier (Sep 1620- Sep 88) was a french physician and traveler who traveled around the world. He decided to travel to Hindustan (India) in  Seventeenth century. He sailed for twenty two days and reached at Surat (city in Gujarat) port of Hindustan (India). Two big cities of this time were Delhi and Agra. When Bernier was traveling from Surat to Delhi he was looted by robbers. So he took up a job at Mughal kingdom and worked with Mughal for eight years. He was appointed as a personal physician (Hakim) to prince Dara Sikoh and later to Aurangzeb. 



Mughal was a race from central Asia. They were the descendants of Mongolians and Turks. First Mughal invader was Babur who invaded Hindustan (India) in sixteenth century. Babur invaded Hindustan in search of money and due to fear of Uzbeks. He was looking for safe boundaries for his rule.

Mughal did not bring anything with them except the barbaric and inhuman techniques of battles. They did not have money and morals. After the three hundred years of Muslim reign in Hindustan, this was another black period of Indian history. These five hundred years, India did not get developed and plundered by every possible invader. During the rule of Mughals there was no parliament, no judiciary system, no universities, no investment on science & technology. Only the reign of Shah Jahan, the fifth mughal, was the golden period of Mughal architecture. 

Bernier reached India and found the King(Shah Jahan) was too ill for last one year and his age was Seventy years and his four sons were fighting with each other for the throne. This battle of brothers went on for five years.

During Mughal Empire, no one had the ownership of land. The land was given to ministers for generating living for them and as a pension. But whole country’s land belonged to the Mughal King only. When a rich person died then his whole land and wealth was taken back by King. This was the worst system he saw in India. That is why India was not developing like Europe where they had Marquess and Dukes.
Ownership of whole land by King was the very bad system which stopped the growth of India in comparison to Europe. These Mughals were very selfish, corrupt and greedy. They wanted to have all the wealth of India for them and for their family only. So the policies of Mughal did not develop India. The position of India became stagnant in comparison to Europeans. Only one family became richest family of the world – Mughal family. Mughals spent their life in wine,women and opium. India gave them a lot but in return got nothing. The standard of living of general people was poor. 

Mughal Family

Note – Same thing is happening now days, the politicians are introducing their sons and relatives in Indian politics. They are busy in corruption. This one politician family worth million of Rs while his city and state people are starving.

Shah Jahan(Indian Mughal King) was always worried about his life and empire. His sons never liked each other. So he made them officers of four different provinces. Shah Jahan felt ill. Then Dara (eldest son) gathered armies in Delhi and Agra.
Shuja (second son) gathered armies in Bengal.
Aurangjeb did the same in South and Gujarat.

Dara Shikoh
Dara Shikoh

Dara was the eldest son of Shajahan. He had so many good qualities. But at the same time he was egoistic. He thought he was the most intelligent person in the empire. So he did not accept suggestions from any one.

So when his brothers were doing conspiracy against him then no one informed him due to fear. He used to behave like Hindu when he was with Hindus and Christian while he was with Christians. He was secular and wanted to rule the Indian kingdom on the policies of Akbar. If he would have become the king of India. Then India would have grown definitely. 

Aurangzeb - Fanatic Muslim ruler

Aurangzeb was the third son of Shah janhan. He was the most cruel and clever son of Shah Jahan. He kept on showing that he wants to live in devotion of Allah but he kept on doing conspiracy against his father and eldest brother to get the throne. He became fanatic Muslim ruler who imposed Islam on Hindustan forcefully. He wanted to run the Kingdom of Hindustan on the basis of Sharia law. He destroyed the Indian economy badly because of his military expedition of Deccan. 

Other two sons -

The second and third sons of Shahjahan were not involved in day to day politics. They were busy living their life luxuriously. They spent most of their time in hunting, drinking wine and enjoying women with opium.

Jahan Ara Begum
Jahanara Begum

She was the eldest daughter of Shah Janhan. She was very close to Shah Jahan. There was a rumor that Shah jahan had sex relations with her and due to his affection he did not allow her to get married. Dara also promised Jahan Ara that if she will help him in getting throne then he will set her free from his father’s harem and she could get married.

She also had multiple relationships. These Mughal ladies were not left behind in enjoying their life. In the evening having wine, opium and sex was their favorite past time.

Mughal never allowed the marriage of their daughters due to the fear of loosing throne rights to other family. 

Roshan Ara 
Roshan Ara

She was the youngest daughter. She was not as beautiful and intelligent like her elder sister.

She was  ready to sleep with anyone. And also enjoyed intercourse with three and four men at a time. She was supporter of Aurangzeb and passed information to Aurangzeb of Mughal court. 

Description of People after the end of war between the Mughal brothers

Shah jahan in his last few days of life


Shah jahan was imprisoned at Agra fort by his son Aurangzeb (third son).
It was an house arrest. He had all the respect and luxurious facilities. He was using his Harem continuously. He used to see the fights of eagles and horses. Shah Jahan died due to the overdose of opium.  

References - 

Book - Bernier's India Travel
Translation - Ganga Prasad Gupt

(India Tour Escort)

(Agra Tour Guide)


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