Travel India with Storytellersandeep

India Tour escort - Sandeep

For me India is among the one of the worlds most charming, bright, full of interest religious/spiritual, and lively countries. There are thirty two (32) world heritage sites and one hundred and nineteen(119) ticketed monuments in India.But when you want to travel to India the question comes, where should you go, which India destination is best for you, what should be the mode of transport ?

India is a country which is rapidly changing since 1947. Technology has affected the lifestyle of Indians drastically. Each individual from lower middle class also carry a mobile. But at the same time rituals at India temples are still same for last ten thousand years before present. This South Asian country has produced oldest religious philosophies like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. These eastern philosophies still direct the life of Indians. Still Indians have faith and believe in these philosophies. Although Indian youth is inspired by western philosophy of achieve as much you can in this one life and love the electronic gadgets. Indian youth exchanges ideas on face book, twitter and learning technologies from west. Middle class youth watch B.B.C, National geographic, Discovery channel and Comedy central. This balance in present and past can only be seen in India.

India holidays are for those western tourists and travelers who are ready for any kind of adventure and surprise. As a tourist from west you will face cultural shock. It is a big thing for an American tourist. India is a land of diversity and contradictions, deprivation just in front of your five star luxurious hotels, the uproar & silt on the road which you will see from your air conditioned car, chaotic traffic on Indian road which you will pass easily in your chauffer driven car.

Privacy is a big issue while you are visiting India monuments on your holidays in India. Many westerns tourist have not seen such crowd even in the wedding of Queen of England. India monuments always remain crowded. But your India tour guide will always find a place to explain about history of these amazing monuments. Hostile Indians will approach you for photograph, but you can say no politely, they will not mind.

If you are coming on Vacations to India then do not try to see everything on short India visit. Two hundred fifty kilometers means four to six hours drive in India. Spend one or two night in each city so you can absorb this eastern culture. Each Indian city is different than other. Each Indian state has different culture, cuisine, attire,customs and language. Features of people are different in every state. A tour of Indian subcontinent will fill a western traveler with astonishment First time travelers add too many monuments and attractions on India tour. This habit of seeing everything might spoil your India holidays because you will be fatigue of traveling.

Tourist from west loves this great difference on their India holidays. On your India package tour you might have booked luxuries hotels and air conditioned but disparities in India will bewilder you. As a tourist from west you will never forget this India expedition.

India tour will definitely shape your thoughts. This vacation of India will force you to change your views about the life. 

Exploring India is about exploring you.

Follow the following steps to visit India

1-      Choose a destination where do you want to travel in India

Choosing where to travel in India is one of the most confusing and difficult aspect of India holidays because India has a lot to offer you on your India tour and you now nothing about India tourist destinations.
I am traveling India for last nine years and still find myself amazed on every next India tour. After every twenty miles the language and culture is different in India. People wear different colorful attire and speak different sweet language. Few cities are full of temple architecture, few have forts and palaces to surprise you and a walk in an Indian city is an experience in itself.

Ordinary people are busy in creating in handicrafts which you will not see anywhere in the world and watching them working live will amuse you. Your little money can bring amazing stuff for your home. This large Indian subcontinent has that much to offer to a traveler and tourist that you need at least three months to explore India.

But unfortunately tourist from west does not have that much time for vacations in India. Most of the tourists have limited time for India excursion.

So buy guide books and read blog of travelers who have traveled to India continuously.  These guide books and blog will help you gather information on India destinations & India holidays according to your taste, choice and preferences. It is time consuming but worth to know about sightseeing in different cities of India.

Advance booking of trains, flights, car in India

Traveling through train is the cheapest mode of travel in India. But are you ready to share you seat for other eight people. H ha ha ha yes its true, in India it is called compromise. Indian trains are always full and crowded because of festivals of India. In every month there are one or two festivals. Indian people travel continuously on day trip or on long journey to meet their relatives.

Timing – Timing of Indian trains is very poor. Indian trains are mostly late. So do not try to book by yourself. In booking Indian trains always take help of an India travel agent. Trains are most of the time full a month before.

Flights are easy to book. Booking a flight earlier might get you good discounts.

Hiring a car is an easiest way of traveling in north India. You can manage your sightseeing according to your comfort.  

 Find Hotels in Advance - 

Earlier the best way to book the hotel was by walking in and bargaining the rate. But now days Indians have also started traveling due to economic rise. So in season time main tourist destinations like Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, Varanasi, Khajuraho, Mumbai hotels are booked in three months advance.

International flights land at airport in night. So for a westerner it is hard to find good hotels at night because he does not know the local areas of India. Taxi and auto drivers try to cheat innocent western tourist in this situation.

Now days due to online boom in India you can book a hotel very easily. You can check the details of hotel online and make your decision. Sometimes hotels give bad quality of rooms to direct clients. They will show you something else online and will provide you poor quality of same category room which you have booked. And direct clients feel cheated on their India holidays.

See the Doctor 

Do not scare of health risks in India.
Hotels, Monuments and restaurants in India have started maintaining a very good hygiene and sanitation standards.  Now days most of western travelers have started visiting India on business trip without habitually done dose of “Delhi Belly”.
Every city has good hospitals and also you do not require a doctor’s prescription to buy any medicine at chemist.

There are few health measures you should take care before coming to India expedition as you take in your country too. Although If you have bought a Indian package tour and you are staying in good hotel , eating at nice restaurants then I have not seen any American tourist suffering from malaria, Dengue and viral. But for safe side you can see your doctor in your country for some aids/antidote and vaccine.

A - Avoid eating road side street food

Do not eat spicy food on street. In India it is very famous. But do not copy Indians in this habit. Drink packaged/bottle water always.

B – Use good hotels and nice restaurants

      Bitten by mosquitoes could cause Malaria, Dengue fever, Viral. But if you have chosen good hotels and restaurants in India then chances of suffering from these diseases are minimal.

Obtain your Visa

Visa on arrival is open for forty three countries now and USA & Australia is in that list. This ETA is perfect for an American and Australian tourists who want to do a one to three weeks tour of India. This ETA can be applied two times in a year and valid for thirty days of India journey.  This E tourist Visa is acceptable at sixteen airports of India – Delhi, Jaipur,  Mumbai, Amritsar, Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Cochin, Goa, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Triuchirapalli, Trivandrum and Varanasi.

By obtaining other tourist visa you can stay in India for maximum 180 days.


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