Yoga Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy

In ancient India, the sages created a religion for the social benefit of the society. And Yog (Yoga) was given most importance in that. Vedas, Shastra, Upanishad, Puranas, Bhagvad Geeta all these holy books and philosophies are the magic of Yog only. 

Indian Sage passing knowledge to a student

Indian Sages explain that every human being has five aims in this life - 

1 - To live eternal

No body wants to die. Everyone wants to live as long as possible. The people who are very old and very week even they should not want to die. They won’t be able to answer why. 
This is natural. So it is quite obvious that living is the first and natural aim of human being. 

2 - To know everything 

We want to know everything. So we travel, read and study. Everyone wants to acquire some knowledge. 

3- Happiness 

This is our third aim. No sorrow in life. Everyone wants to live happy. 

4- Freedom 

Dependence is the heaviest loss. No body wants to live in anybody's control.  
Freedom is bliss.

In Santana Dharma (Hinduism) it is also explained in form of Emancipation, Freedom from all bondage.

5th – Controller

Once above four aims have been achieved then we want that everyone should follow us. We want to control things and people.

The person who has achieved these five aims, he has been called Bhagvaan (GOD), according to Hinduism.
No other religion explains this theory so simply and clearly.

Sanatana Dharma
Santana Dharma (Hinduism) explains further that how an individual can achieve these five aims?

The practice of achieving these five aims of life is Yog.

The meaning of word Yog is Union. Union of Divine power (Ishwar) with soul.

There are three kinds of Yog and many branches of Yog.
As each and every individual is different so he is free to choose any medium of Yog practice according to his preferences, choices, interest and taste.

Three Kinds of Yog –

Karma kand(Fruitless action),
Upasana Kand(Devotion) and
Gyan kand (Knowledge)

 Branches of Yog –

Kriya Yog
Samadhi Yog
Mantra Yog
Jap Yog
Lai Yog
Hath Yog
Kundalini Yog
Bhakti Yog
Prapati (Sharnagati Yog)
Dhyan Yog
Gyan Yog
Sankhya Yog

And many more

Three kind of Yog’s are blended with each other Karma kand(Fruitless action), Upasana Kand(Devotion) and Gyan kand (Knowledge) . Indian sages asked a practitioner to practice Yog based on these three branches of Yog.  You will have to make balance in these three branches of Yog before choosing your Yog practice. Each branch is incomplete without the other one.

Bhagvad Geeta is also called Yog Shashtra because LordKrishna has explained each of three branches of Yog very clearly in the chapters of Geeta (Son of God). Lord Krishna said, “Do actions without expectations of its fruit and spend time in devotion of Ishwar, this way you will achieve enlightenment (knowledge)”.

Enlightenment means freedom from all bondage.
In Sanatana Dharma this stage is called Mukti.  
In Buddhism this stage is called Nirvana.

In Jainism this stage is called Kaivalya. 


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