Yogalife during Covid 19


Storyteller Sandeep

Corona lockdown has destroyed not only economy but also the mental health being of people. This isolation and uncertainty of future leaded people to stress, depression, anxiety and frustration. Due to covid 19, city life based on money flow stopped. People knew how to become happy by doing shopping, found self-peace by satisfying taste senses by lavish dinner at fine restaurant , having fun by joining drinking parties with friends and acquaintances, feeling pride by success in corporate ladder.

But process of having pleasure & peace only through these material ways was stopped during Covid lockdown. Paper Money & Card money is great invention of modern time as it allows us many good benefits which we never had in ancient time. In same way Yoga is a gift from ancient time when money was not invented. In ancient time Yoga was the process of achieving pleasure & peace by body, breath and mind.  Yoga In India prepares the mind of a practitioner for any uncertainty. 

Why the mental health of city people was affected despite having large house, good savings in bank account, Family and assets? Because they never learnt how to be happy with breath, sunlight, water, simple food.  They never learnt how to utilise isolation for self-peace? They never learnt how to tackle uncertainty without resources?

Depression symptoms increased by 3 times than the normal time during Covid 19. From 8.5% it jumped to 27.8 %.

Dec 2019 the story of Covid 19 started in Wuhan city of China. This Covid 19 spread into 110 countries in just 3 months. Governments banned the travelling, social gatherings, offices and malls. This ban on daily activities and habits of city people disturbed their mental wellbeing. People are slave of their daily habits. Instead of their true nature, their habits are developed due to money driven society. So they do lots of adjustment in their self and social image. This gap between fake self and fake social image creates frustration within. culture and yoga of India teaches a yoga practitioner about true nature or true self. 

My life being a yoga practitioner did not change instead it improved drastically. Although as Tourism professional I also got hit by financial and job loss. No job and no income for next two years. I am following a yogic life routine for a long time which includes 2 hours of asana/poses, breath control/pranayama and meditation/Dhyan every morning. During meditation I always learnt about being happy with my muscles stretching, breath control and understanding the impermanence nature of my life circumstances. Yoga is a process of functional modification of consciousness which changes your habits and behavior. Only wisdom doesn’t bring this change.

Covid 19 gave me chance to spend more time with family members, to read more books and to double my Yoga practice by 2 hours more in evening.  This pandemic has made me stronger to tackle uncertain situations. I taught my daughter yoga practice & philosophy more deeply for which I never had chance due to my travelling profession. Now my daughter practices Yoga and Mixed martial arts every alternate day for one hour. I hope she will continue this practice after schools start.   I also managed my investment and stocks profile in better way and my profits doubled surprisingly. I was able to finish all that half read books which were lying in my library for 2 years untouched.

So I realised that my habit of Yoga practice (2 hours) & weight training (alternate days) saved me from depression, anxiety and stress. Not only Yoga life prevented me, it made me stronger mentally and physically for future.

So I believe this Covid 19 taught me the importance of Money and Meditation. Both are important in life. It’s not wise to leave anyone of it. After earning money spend your time in Meditation. Money makes our life comfortable and Meditation gives pleasure and peace.

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