Hinduism that is Sanatana Dharama


Hinduism that is Sanatana Dharama

Hindu Dharma is 5000 years old religion according to archeological evidences and 10,000 years old according to astronomical calculations and oral traditions. 

Five Fundamentals of Hindu Dharma are -

1   Ishvar is FORMLESS (NIRAKAR) and there is a sound "AUM" which represents it, to experience ISHVAR, there are three paths –

       a - yajna (Fire sacrifice)  

       b-  Yog            

       c- Devotion   (Bhakti)                                    


2 Incarnation – The Ishwar takes birth in form of GOD (bhagwan) to protect DHARMA (moral duties)


3- Re birth – Theory of cause and effect


4- Salvation (Moksha)

 All four fundamentals we discuss in detail at our India spiritual tour 

Ancient time – 10,000 ybp (years before present)

Indians learnt agriculture and food was in surplus. They stopped the job of hunter and gatherer and started establishing colonies for themselves.  This was the time when concept of religion, morals, and ethics started taking shape to create civilization which separates human being from animals. 

Five Powerful religious sects came into existence –

 Brahmanism whose God was Lord Brahma – Path of worship was Fire sacrifice (yajya)

Shaivism whose God was Lord Mahesh (Shiva) - Path of worship was Hatha Yog

Vaisavanism whose God was Lord Vishnu- Path of worship was name recitation (Jap)

Shakta whose Goddess was Shakti (Durga-) Path of worship was meditation on geometrical patterns (Tantra)

And many nature worshippers – 33 kinds of Gods and Goddess were worshipped – These were air, water, earth, space, fire, trees, animals etc.

In ancient time they were not called Hindus. This was Indic civilization and many different sects came into existence. Ved (Holy book of Hindus) was practiced orally but not written down. Caste system was not formed. Hindu word was not coined. Temple institution for deity worship was not established. we have included finest hindu temple for sightscene in our India tour


 3500 (ybp) – Vedic Age

One unique and great thing happened which never happened earlier in the world. Unknown social scientist (Yogis) came together and merged all the sects of Indic civilization into one Dharma (Moral duties) called Sanatan Dharma. They also created class system for division of labor for running socio economy smoothly by skilled people.  It was open ended system. An individual could change the occupation and the caste. Temple institution was established. Society moved around the temple. The holy book of Hindus called Rigved was written down on the birch leaves.

Social scientists (Yogis) of India explained that GOD is one and it is formless, it is energy. The job of this energy is to create and maintain the balance between NATURE, ANIMALS AND HUMAN BEING. This energy can be experienced only when an individual learns to shut down the six senses temporarily during meditation which is hard and takes long time of practice of yoga sometimes many births. So an average individual who is running the material welfares should follow the other way – Worship of Gods for merits and boons and compassion of living beings. 

Concept of five Gods was given to a Hindu devotee– GOD Vishnu , GOD Shiva, Goddess Durga , GOD Sun and Ishta Devta(personal demigod )

Then they found the places which had higher electromagnetic waves and established wooden temples over there. They used the quincunx pattern for inner architecture of the temple. The inner architecture of Taj mahal is also based on this Hindu temple architecture geometrical pattern.  So deities of five Gods could be established in one temple. The temple will give free food, education and medicine to the devotees and devotees will donate money for the maintenance of the temple. The King will give protection to the temple. 

Hindu Temple

Hindu temple 

Hindu temple 

It is suggested to go the temple every day for prayers because it helps an individual to get benefit of meditation slowly and gradually. A devotee removes the shoes outside the temple so his feet can get the benefit of electromagnetic waves then he rings the bell, the voice of the bell strikes in the middle of two brains and brings the attention of the devotee in the present then devotee enters in to the sanctum which remains in dark so devotee lights an earthen pot full of clarified butter that activates the seeing and smell sense of devotee, when all 5 senses are activated by the following rituals of temple worship then devotee circles 7 times  around the deity and settle down for meditation for few seconds.


Hindu temple architecture started around 8 bce but material was used wood which did not sustain with time. 

So the first Hindu temple made of stones is Mundeshwari Devi temple in Bihar – 108 AD. This is temple of Goddes Durga and God Shiva 

The first hindu temple made of burnt bricks came into existence in 5th AD. (Bheetergaon temple, Kanpur). 

Hindu temple architecture reached at its zenith in 12th century eg – Khajuraho temples, Angkorwat temples , Mahabalipuram temples in Tamilnadu, Tungnath temple in Uttarakhand, Konark Sun Temple, Dilwara temples in Rajasthan, Temples of Hampi, Karnataka . 

This knowledge of Temple architecture and other subjects of Hindu Dhrama was stopped and lost due to military attacks of radicals from Afganishtan in 12th century upto 14th century.

This religious persecution pushed India into mass illiteracy , mass conversion . 


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