How Indians found Ishavar(Creator)


                        How Indians found Ishavar(Creator)

Vedic Gods

Worship of God in prehistoric times began through human beings fear of the various forms of nature so they started praying God of fire, rain, sea, mountains. 10,000 ybp Indians learnt agriculture , food was in surplus and they started setting up colonies. They left the job of food gatherer and hunting or minimized it  .  Indic religions had 33 kinds (koti) of Gods – 11 types for sky, 11 types for earth and 11 types for sea. Indians developed religion, traditions and morals for the benefit of the upcoming Indic society. 

Adiyogi Shiva - Inventor of Hatha Yog

Later the first Yogi (Adiyogi) Shiva/Historical Shiva found that nature is arranged in a particular way. We pray to it or not, nature will do its work. Adiyogi Shiva did more research and found that everything made in the world is made of invisible building blocks – electrons and protons. But why few electrons & protons turned into objects and some turned into human bone? What is the cause of this matter & intelligence?

As the beginning step Adiyogi Shiva closed his eyes in meditation and shut out the immediate contact with world and matter, he could concentrate more fully discovering the intelligence behind it. He reasoned that he could not behold the Ishvar in nature through the ordinary perceptions of the five senses.  So he began to try to feel the Ishvar within himself by deeper & deeper concentration. In this quest Lord Shiva invented Hatha yog process for functional modification of consciousness (brain, body mind) to shut off all five senses temporarily entirely away from the consciousness of matter and the inner world of the spirit began to open up an then this infinite power (ISHVAR) revealed itself.

We can find Ishvar (creator) within us through meditation.  But our desires and weakness of physical body cannot control our thoughts and actions which is a hindrance in the communion with creator/Ishvar. We must seek for mastery over body and mind. Once a yogi learns how to shut off 5 body senses temporarily he lives in the inexpressible joy.

The Hindu monks of India have a saying “the child is busy in play, an adult is busy in sex and old man is busy in worries”. The ignorance and habits keep us slave of the body senses and keep us bound.  

There are two ways of spirituality 

Outer way and Inner way.                        (Note – Spirituality means relaxed, still and awaken mind all the time.)

The outer way is serving living being with compassion and you will achieve eternal joy of Isvar commune. Yogi Krishna of Hindu Dharma has given the path of Karma yoga to become master of this outer way. Guatam Buddha of Buddhism has also shown the path of Compassion (karuna).

The inner way is Meditation. This process is long and needs daily self-practice of Yoga along with self- study (svadhyay) of Upnishads (Intellectual books of Indic religion) and chanting of AUM and Gayatri mantra. 

I practice Self research engineering which is blend of Hatha yog, Ashtnag vinyasa and Buddhist meditation. This is 1 hour and 30 minutes daily self -practice.  I also teach this technique of self research engineering on my India spiritual tour 

Choose anyone of the path according to your nature (Extrovert & Introvert) and learn to go beyond the consciousness of this matter, enters into SAMADHI (joyous experience). 

Eternal bliss of Ishvar commune will open to you.




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